Tuesday 22 May 2012

This is my interpretation of an NHS logo for the medical photography department of Newcastle. I have kept it as simplistic as possible so that it is sophisticated and legible. I have used colours which i feel relate with medical communications such as blue's and green's. I have added a small piece of imagery which runs through the typography creating a cross design, i think this works well.

'Together' logo & Flyer design

These two designs are my logo designs for my the 'together' charity i created. I created the imagery first hand by using photography, i painted my hands blue and red (primary colours) to show a fun, creative approach. Then took pictures and manipulated then using Adobe Photoshop. I then found a complementary type face and experimented with the layout as shown above. As my overall final design i decided to go with the second one as i feel it looks more compact and professional. The approach i was looking for was very simplistic but creatively effective and eye catching. I am quite happy with my overall logo design as i feel it works well for its purpose.

This is one of the flyers i created to support my new found charity 'together'. It displays a simple typeface showing the venue of where the event is going to take place. The supporting typography shows a curly, fun approach but is still very legible. I have used imagery to show a better understanding of the activities available. I have used pastel colours to add a creative fun effect to this flyer design. I have also displayed my logo design in the top left hand corner to show the charity company, and it make a recognisable to the company.

Monday 14 May 2012

Graphic Designer moodboards

                                                                    David Carson

David Carson is a very inspirational Graphic Deisgner, i have used examples of his work in many of my projects as i feel he is very influential. His work is very interesting and i love his use of experimentaion. Not all of his type designs are legible, however this is his style of working and it always proves to be effective.

                                                                      David Carson

I love how David Carson also uses alot of mixed media within his designs, it creates depth and interest which helps to draw you in. He also sometimes incorporates imagery into his type designs which is very creative and extremally effective.

                                                                    Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister is another designer that uses type faces to express ideas within his work. He uses objects to create typography which is very interesting. He has a simular way of working to David Carson, however their designs are some what different.

These design pieces have been built up in adobe photoshop. Each one displays work from a specific Graphic Designer. I created these moodboards to help give me inspiration when producing my own work. These two artists in particular specialise in experimenting with typography. Each of these designers are very influential as they use different styles and processes showing individuality and uniquness.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

 As part of my research i selected a variety of examples of existing ministry of sound posters and made a mood-board, i created this to collect inspiration to help me produce ideas. Each design displays different styles and techniques, some include photography, some are completly digital but each of them are unique and successful in their own ways.

This is an example of an idea i thought would work successfully. I like the idea of using a CD to display the ministry of sound logo as it relates well with the music theme and the colours i have used would compliment the colour scheme i intend to display throughout my poster design. 

Here are some examples of how i have experimented using the ministry os sound logo as a centre piece, The first design displays the logo upon a CD, i have then created a build up of imagery to support it using complimentary colours.

The second design idea displays the ministry of sound logo however i have used lighting to make the image (logo) more vibrant and effective. I think the colour works quite well, but i wanted to elaborate more which the actual logo itself.

The third example shown also displays a lighting effect, however this time i have used colour and objects to shine through the logo design to add an interesting, creative approach.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

One flew over the Cuckoo's nest book cover

This is an example of the research i collected based on penguin books. I took these examples to give me an idea of previous penguin book designs which i then used for inspiration when creating my own. I have chosen to lay out this research in a creative way, using digital skills in adobe Photoshop rather than on paper. 

Finished Design

To create this design I thought carefully about what the story entails, and from there i recreated my own interpretation of a design which i thought would be suitable. To do this i produced photographs of keys to show the isolation and lack of freedom potrayed within the story of 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest'. My idea was to find a way to display this creating both depth and meaning. To make the design look more simplistic and safisticated i have left a lot of white space which i then applied a textured sheet effect. After experimenting with layout i began experimenting with typography and type style which i thought would compliment the imagery and the style of the design. To add finishing touches to the overall design i then added effects in photoshop creating depth by applying a worn, old effect. To apply the correct blurb information i researched and place the exact one onto my design, to build a connection with both pages i added the same effects to the back page.

Sync logo design

This is my Sync design, to create this logo i used a HB pencil to draw out my letting onto a piece of lead, to create depth and a 3D effect i used a knife to carve in each letter. I then took a photograph and began editing in photoshop to create an embossed approach.

@Bistro stationary

This piece of design work was created using adobe photoshop, the objective was to design a logo for the college bistro, then to design some complementary promotional material such as buisness cards, a letter head and a menu. I decided to keep my design name quite simple but incomporate the @ simbol to add creativity and to make it look interesting. I have also created a shortend version of my bistro logo @B which can be used to reprisent the same thing. I decided to stick with a simple red colour to make my logo legible and sophistacated. For the promotional material i have created a theme using a crumpled paper effect to add depth and effect.I have also used a red stripe effect on my menu design which i think works quite well. The typography used to display the information is very plain and simplistic but i feel it works well.