Monday 14 May 2012

Graphic Designer moodboards

                                                                    David Carson

David Carson is a very inspirational Graphic Deisgner, i have used examples of his work in many of my projects as i feel he is very influential. His work is very interesting and i love his use of experimentaion. Not all of his type designs are legible, however this is his style of working and it always proves to be effective.

                                                                      David Carson

I love how David Carson also uses alot of mixed media within his designs, it creates depth and interest which helps to draw you in. He also sometimes incorporates imagery into his type designs which is very creative and extremally effective.

                                                                    Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister is another designer that uses type faces to express ideas within his work. He uses objects to create typography which is very interesting. He has a simular way of working to David Carson, however their designs are some what different.

These design pieces have been built up in adobe photoshop. Each one displays work from a specific Graphic Designer. I created these moodboards to help give me inspiration when producing my own work. These two artists in particular specialise in experimenting with typography. Each of these designers are very influential as they use different styles and processes showing individuality and uniquness.

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