Tuesday 16 April 2013

The magic lantern - Book Cover

This book cover design was originally designed to compliment a children's story book i wrote recently. I took the opportunity to create this book cover as a final outcome to a specific D&AD brief i worked with which was based on designing something in relation to your dream job. A lot of imagination went into this design as i had no specific guidelines, it was based on my skills and personal imaginative approaches. I put a lot of thought into how i would display the cover of my book design as i didn't want to give to much of the story away. I think the use of white typography works quite well will the book cover itself being rather dark, i feel the type stands out, but not to much to over power the imagery which was the approach i was going for. The main type face which i have used for the title of the book and for the spine of the book has a fantasy style to it which i feel compliments my design. Overall i am quite happy with the end result of this design.

This is what my 'The Magic Lantern' book cover would look like in situe, i personally think that it works really well. I am very pleased with the end result as it looks just as i had pictured it before i began designing. I feel that this specific project has really helped with my personal skill development as it shows examples of self directed study and a great use of imagination and techniques.

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