Tuesday 7 May 2013

Change 4 Life

Here are the designs i came up with in relation to approaching teenagers regarding healthy eating. The first design displays breakfast choices. I have displayed a wide range of choices to ensure that teenagers/ young adults don't get bored with eating the same things. I used the same approach to all three designs, however the other two display separate mealtime choices. I decided to create a fun approach to my menu designs by designing characters to help display the contents in a more child friendly way. Hopefully this will capture the attention of my target audience.

Monday 29 April 2013

L'Artisan Perfumur

                              Scent A : Passion & desire, sex & lust, raw & physical
                              Scent B : Perfect, sublime love, an interior emotion
                              Scent C : Excitement & fear. Adrenaline & thrill
                              Scent D : Elegant & dignified. Stormy but still

This packaging design has been designed to meet the needs of the scent desires above. After sketching out a few ideas, and making a brain storm of all things that i feel were appropriate to include, i decided upon using a lace texture effect. I think this approach works really well as i feel it meets the correct needs displaying a sense of passion and sophistication. I think using the colour red also gives off a powerful, passionate approach.

This packaging design for L'Artisan perfumer was based around perfection, and subliminal effects. To create this as a visual i felt the best way to display it would be through water. I feel this fits the scents description as water is natural, and in my opinion rather perfect. I chose a blue colour scheme to fit the imagery displayed on my design.

This perfume packaging is some what different to the other 3 i have designed, however i still feel it fits in with the chosen theme, and is complimentary to all of my other designs for this particular company. To display a sense on excitement i decided to use firework imagery which i developed and edited to fit with my running theme. I think this idea is successful as it gives off the correct approach and fits with the guidelines given in the scent description

This design is based upon elegance and purity. I decided upon using a silk design for the the main feature of the box packaging as i feel it relates well. When i think of elegance i think of silk, something faultless and pretty. I decided to use the colour pink as i feel it is most appropriate and fitting with the scent description. I used the french word for dignity as i thought it would be relevant to the company and the products they sell with L'Artisian perfumer being a French company.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

The magic lantern - Book Cover

This book cover design was originally designed to compliment a children's story book i wrote recently. I took the opportunity to create this book cover as a final outcome to a specific D&AD brief i worked with which was based on designing something in relation to your dream job. A lot of imagination went into this design as i had no specific guidelines, it was based on my skills and personal imaginative approaches. I put a lot of thought into how i would display the cover of my book design as i didn't want to give to much of the story away. I think the use of white typography works quite well will the book cover itself being rather dark, i feel the type stands out, but not to much to over power the imagery which was the approach i was going for. The main type face which i have used for the title of the book and for the spine of the book has a fantasy style to it which i feel compliments my design. Overall i am quite happy with the end result of this design.

This is what my 'The Magic Lantern' book cover would look like in situe, i personally think that it works really well. I am very pleased with the end result as it looks just as i had pictured it before i began designing. I feel that this specific project has really helped with my personal skill development as it shows examples of self directed study and a great use of imagination and techniques.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Rocky Horror Picture Show

This poster design comes as part of a range of promotional material i designed in relation to a college theatre production of the rocky horror picture show. Out of a range of briefs in which i was presented, this one in particular caught my eye. I began to picture different skills and techniques which i feel i could use to create each element of the expected promotional materials. Before sketching out any ideas i began taking pictures of things which i felt would be relevant, and would gather me inspiration. The photograph which is displays within this design was taken of a male wearing a pair of fish net tights, he also wore navy blue stiletto shoes. Using CAD and my development skills, i used Adobe Photoshop to edit a few different photographs that i had taken, and this is the one i personally thought was the most successful. I decided on a complimentary colour scheme for each of these elements, which i picked up from researching into previous designs by other people. I also watched the film, so that i could get a clear idea of what to include on each piece.    

Here are a couple of other examples of promotional material that i have decided in relation to the same theme. The first one displays a flyer which provides information for the public stating times and dates etc. Underneath this i have the entry ticket, the ticket also displayed the complementary theme, displaying similar information and the price of viewing. To make each of these designs recognizable for the 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' i decided to keep the original bold font, so that the public would be drawn to it straight away.

This is what my poster design would look like in situe, i think it works really well, it displays all of the relevant information, and it very eye catching in relation to the needs of the theatre and the production. Personally i think it works as it is not over the top, it displays just enough and is very legible and recognizable to the public.